Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Strange Use for Banana Peels

My last post was about a delicious way to use bananas. But why waste all those peels? Why not put them to good use and try something new? You’re about to think I’m a little crazy, but some Pinterest pins attract me because of their craziness. I have to try them to see if they actually work, especially if they are simple and involve saving money.

Here is the original pin:

I know it seems weird to rub banana peels on your teeth, but after only one treatment, my teeth were noticeably whiter! Now, I have learned that this is like brushing your teeth—it only works for a while. If I stop doing it for a day, there is already a difference. But if I do it every day, my teeth get successively whiter. The key is to be consistent. However, say you have an event coming up--like prom, for instance. This can be a perfect, cheap, temporary fix to make your smile whiter for pictures!

The pin does leave out a few pieces of information. For instance, please rinse the peels before use. Who knows where they have been? Also, do this before brushing and not after. If you have ever had a green banana, you know how bad it feels on your teeth. Finally, what if you don’t eat a banana every day? I have tried saving the peels in foil, but they still turned brown on the inside. It would be nice to have enough reserved that I could do this regularly. I'm going to keep trying different things, but for now my best bet is to use fresh peels, which means I have to eat a lot of bananas. I like to mash half a banana in my oatmeal every morning, so it's not too bad.

I hope you don’t think I’m crazy, and that you will actually try this. I promise it works! And if you’re already trying the Nice Cream, then why not try this as well?

May your teeth be ever white,



  1. If you have extra bananas you can freeze the excess bananas whole in a ziplock bag, since they have to be peeled anyways before freezing. They are quite tasty eaten right out of the freezer and if thawed they will mash beautifully.

  2. And always take a banana to a party.

  3. Thanks! I have learned several wrong ways of doing it now, such as wrapping it in foil or plastic wrap or even sticking it in water. I suppose the best way is to just always have bananas!
